Table of Contents

Upgrade Nightly -> Nightly

1. By Script

You can update from Nightly to Nightly easily by Script. We recommend this!

nightly update script

2. manually

The manually Upgrade is only from ispCP Omega Nightly to ispCP Omega Nightly.
Not from VHCS to ispCP Omega. Absolutely no warranty, use it at your own risk.
This update will only update the gui. (/var/www/). All files where placed in /etc will NOT updated!

1. Backup the current ispCP Version in a compressed tar-archiv and safe the db-keys. <cli> # cd /var/www/ # mkdir backup # cd backup # tar czpf ispcp_backup.tar.gz ../ispcp/ # cp ../ispcp/engine/ . # cp ../ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-db-keys.php . # cp ../ispcp/gui/tools/pma/ . </cli>
2. Compile the new Version
Copy your Downloaded ispCP Version to /root before <cli> # cd /root # tar -xjvf ispcp-omega-1.X.X.tar.bz2 # cd ./ispcp-omega-1.X.X # make install </cli>
3. Stop the ispcp_daemon before copy <cli> # /etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon stop </cli>
4. The new compiled files are now under /tmp/ispcp-1.0.0/var/www/ Copy them to /var/www/ispcp/ <cli> # cd /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ # cp -R ispcp/ /var/www/ </cli>
5. Copy the backuped config and db-keys back to ispCP <cli> # cd /var/www/backup/ # cp ../ispcp/engine/ # cp ../ispcp/engine/messenger/ # cp ispcp-db-keys.php ../ispcp/gui/include/ # cp ../ispcp/gui/tools/pma/ </cli>
6. Set new permissions on the engine and gui directory <cli> # cd ../ispcp/engine/setup/ # ./ # ./ </cli>
7. Issue these command to MySQL on your ispCP database to recreate email and web config <cli> # mysql -u root -p<password> mysql>USE ispcp; mysql>UPDATE mail_users SET status=“toadd” where status=“ok”; mysql>UPDATE domain SET domain_status = 'change' WHERE domain_status = 'ok'; mysql>UPDATE domain_aliasses SET alias_status = 'change' WHERE alias_status = 'ok'; mysql>UPDATE subdomain SET subdomain_status = 'change' WHERE subdomain_status = 'ok'; mysql>UPDATE subdomain_alias SET subdomain_alias_status = 'change' WHERE subdomain_alias_status = 'ok' mysql>quit; </cli>
8. Issue these command to MySQL on your ispCP database if your installed revision is higher then 997 and lower then 1024! <cli> # mysql -u root -p<password> mysql>USE ispcp; mysql>DELETE FROM config WHERE name = 'DATABASE_REVISION'; mysql>quit; </cli>
9. Start the domain/email rebuild process <cli> # /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-rqst-mngr </cli>
10. Start the ispcp_daemon <cli> # /etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon start </cli>
11. Clean the temporary installation directory: <cli> # rm -fR /tmp/ispcp </cli>