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The best distro for ispCP - Printable Version

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The best distro for ispCP - bzyk - 10-15-2009 04:20 AM

Hi guys.

Tell me, what is the best distro for ispCP panel?
I mean; the most non-problem with install, and later usage...
Do you prefere CentOS, or Lenny? And maybe another distro?


RE: The best distro for ispCP - sci2tech - 10-15-2009 04:26 AM


RE: The best distro for ispCP - rethus - 06-09-2010 08:02 PM

i use Lenny for my Servers and it works quite well. Have no Problems, all things work out of the box

I think the most people here in the forum use debian - lenny, so your on the right side, cause with other distributions you may have a little different config-files and locations (path)... wich make it harder to use the howtos and tutorials which often make for debian.

But a Top If u try to install another distri than debian-lenny, be aware to use php 5.2.x, cause php 5.3 creates problems on many cms-systems and shop-systems.